About Us
Plexus and Omega housing are a not-for-profit registered providers who have a management agreement in place with Mears Living; the social housing division of Mears Group PLC, to deliver the services on our behalf.
We work with Local Authority clients, investors, and private landlords to provide affordable homes to a range of renters and shared owners across the UK.
In total, we manage just over 2,000 properties in a broad geographical area from Cornwall in the South West, London and the South East, together with a number of schemes in the Midlands, Yorkshire and North West.
Unlike many housing providers, we do not own our housing stock. Instead, we work in innovative ways to meet the need for social and affordable housing, partnering with investors and private landlords to acquire properties on long-term leases which can then be made available to Local Authority clients to meet housing need in their communities.
Our business focuses on working with those local authority clients predominately to work in partnership with them to increase their supply of properties and support them to alleviate homelessness within their borough.
We operate in a dynamic environment with significant regulatory and societal change occurring. Our response to these challenges and situations forms a key aspect of our plans and ambitions as we move forward.
Our Mission is:
“To provide sustainable and affordable temporary and permanent housing solutions for people in housing need and the communities where they live”
Underpinning our Mission are five values which support the ethos of the organisation:
Working with our customers
Our customers are our first priority, and we will ensure that we deliver our services in line with their current and on-going needs. We will listen to them and offer them opportunities to influence the way we work and to monitor our performance. We will invest in our business infrastructure to ensure our service delivery is effective and offers value for money.
Safe,Comfortable and Sustainable Homes
We will make investment decisions for our existing homes to improve the quality for our customers and create long-term financial stability for Plexus as an organisation. Homes are more than just bricks and mortar, we will also continue to invest in our homes and neighbourhoods to make sure customers feel safe and secure.
Partnership Working
We will work in partnership with Local Authorities, Registered Providers, the Government and other agencies to assist them in delivering their housing strategies by creating innovative long-term partnerships and look to make a genuine difference in the communities we work in
We will look to grow the business whilst ensuring the balance of risks in terms of financial exposure and financial commitments are prudently maintained whilst ensuring our income streams are strong and well supported. All future growth will be targeted at working in partnership with local authorities to support them in alleviating their homelessness challenges.
We will ensure that we are a regulatory compliant organisation that meets these standards, embracing a co-regulatory and transparent approach to regulation and ensuring we’re open about how we meet our objectives, as well as being accountable.